This is the official trailer for 'The Orphanage'. This trailer made me think that the film was going to be quite scary and that I would have to brace myself throughout the whole movie. There were many moments in the movie where I thought I would of had to prepare myself for a huge jump and there were one or two moments in the film like that but not as many as I thought there would be. After watching the movie and I thought over it, I realised that it was more of a melo-drama than a real gory horror film. Rather than being scared from graphic animations, I was psychologically scared which made the film much more enjoyable for me I think. There weren't actually any really scary parts in the film once I looked over it, but the official trailer made me think that it would be a very frightening film.
Using IT software, I will create my movie trailer in the same way to make the movie seem as if it is really frightening and 'hold on tight to your seats' scary. As seen in this trailer, I shall attempt to use special affects and SFX sounds in my trailer. Specifically, near the beginning of the trailer where leaflets are being handed out, the 'dream' effect can be used to show a previous scene and then it could blackout and flash to the party scene in the trailer showing the rest of the trailer. These techniques will be very useful when creating my horror trailr to make it look as exciting and horror like as possible.